Sunday, October 27, 2013

The uses of incense

There are different uses in magic for incense. The more common uses include clearing and banishing, and mood setting. Of these the fragrance is considered.

Incenses are also used in magical evocation, and, aside from fragrance, the density of the smoke is what needs to be considered; as a rule, the denser the smoke the more easily the evoked entity is seen. An alternative to using smoke is to use a magic mirror. Entities range from angels, planetary spirits, demons, elementals, and spirits of the dead. Angels and demons respond well to smoke of resins such as frankincense and dragon's blood, respectively. Frankincense has a euphoric quality aside from its scent and density. An incense made of equal parts of frankincense, storax and cedar or lignam aloes works extremely well in magical evocation. Church incense, or a combination of frankincense and myrrh works well too, especially with angels. Sandalwood works well with elementals. Faery are readily seen in smoke from lavender. Spirits of the dead are easily seen in smoke from wormwood. Evocational magic is a special technique that depends on far more than smoke. And while it is not at all recommended for the untrained, it does effect real changes in life.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Magical dreaming

This is a method for getting a yes or no answer to a question through a dream. It works. The method was taught by the magician Clifford Bias, the teacher Alex Murray, of one of my teachers.

What you need is a small piece of paper and a pen, a sachet (aka a mojo bag) and some Wormwood.

The dream must be done on a waxing Moon. Write on a small piece of white paper the following: "white is yes. Black is no."

Then in the center of the paper draw the astrological symbols of the Moon, Mercury, and Uranus.

Then under the symbols write your question. It must be worded so that the answer that comes is either a yes or a no.

Before going to sleep read the question out loud three times making sure you have it firmly in your mind. Put the paper in a sachet filled part way with Wormwood, and put the sachet under your pillow.

This may be done three nights in a row. In the dream you will see something distinctively white or black. The content of the dream need not have anything to do with your question.

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Occult Blog

This is the first article in a new blog series. In it information about a wide range of magical practices will be shared from time to time.

This article is on making and using pentacle 47 in The Key of Solomon. The pentacle is used to call the Spirits of Mercury, called the Allatori. The Allatori obey very quickly. It is used to acquire understanding and knowledge of hidden things, and can be used to send and receive information telepathically.

The pentacle is drawn in brown ink on parchment, cut out of the piece of parchment, and consecrated. The way to consecrate it is to pass it through incense, frankincense will do, while mentally clearing it of all obscurations, and blessing it as a creature of art in the Holy Names of God.

When you are ready to use the pentacle, hold it up and bless it in the Holy Name, Elohim Tzabaoth (God of Hosts), the Archangel Michael, the Angel Raphael, and the host of Angels called the B'ni Elohim (sons of God).

At the center of the pentacle is the Holy Name Alef Lamed (EL). Around the Name is a dodecagram with the letters that make up the sentence, "IHVH, fix the volatile, and let there be restriction unto the void." And around the versicle is, "Wisdom andd virtue are in his house, and the knowledge of all things remain with him forever."

The dodecagram is delineated by a 12 pointed star configuration, each point of which, in astrology, is called a Finger of God.

An effective way to use the pentacle is to lie down, put the pentacle on your heart, go into a deep trance of concentration, then watch and listen. You can also send the Spirits to deliver messages and to come back to report to you.

A good way of preparing yourself for this exercise when lying down is to see the light shining above your head, at your throat, your solar plexus, your genitals, and at your feet. Then see yourself entirely surrounded by an orb of light extending from below your feet to above your head with the light coursing up through your center, out the top of your head, and down the boundaries of the orb of light that surrounds you. This sets up a field of protection that no trickster spirit can enter.

Address the Allitori Spirits with whatever you want to find out. Answers can be very interesting and illuminating, and can expand our understanding of matters of concern.

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